Long time no see. How have we been. Its been awhile, all thanks to work and school activities. Even though I've not seen you guys for a long time it is not the same with God. Every milli-second, He watches over you and I.

 Human beings tend to forget their friends, colleagues and even their so-called loved ones but God in His infinite mercies has always looked over us and cared for us. He never for once removed His eyes from us even when we disobey His commandments and instructions. His love for us in John 3:16 is still functional till this day. His love for us can never be compared to any of this earthly love we are experiencing now.
The Bible says God is Love. So anytime we think of love we must always remember the love God has for you and I. But the big question is "do we still remember God, do we love Him, are we truthful to His commandments, do we acknowledge Him, do we love our brothers and sisters, do I love myself by keeping myself holy"? These questions is what we should ask ourselves as we go through with our daily activities. All this while we have being living on the Love of God do we give Him the adequate respect that is expected from us. Lets go back and think and meditate on these things and if there is fault lets find ways to reconcile with God. Lets read 1John and see what it means to love.