Christ’s names from all ages
IN GENESIS: Jesus is the Ram at Abraham’s altar
IN EXODUS: He is the Passover lamb
IN LEVITICUS: He is the High Priest
IN NUMBERS: He is the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night
IN DEUTERONOMY: He is the city of our refuge
IN JOSHUA: He is the scarlet thread at Rahab’s window
IN JUDGES: He is our judge
IN RUTH: He is our kinsmen redeemer
IN 1&2 SAMUEL: He is our trusted prophet
IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES: He is our reigning king
IN EZRA: He is our faithful scribe
IN NEHEMIAH: He is the re builder of everything that is broken
IN ESTHER: He is the Mordecai sitting faithful at the gate
IN JOB: He is our redeemer whoever liveth
IN PSALMS: He is my shepherd and I shall not want
IN SONG OF SOLOMON: He is the beautiful bride groom

IN ISAIAH: He is the suffering servant
IN JEREMIAH & LAMENTATION: He is the weeping prophet
IN EZEKIEL: He is the wonderful four faced man
IN DANIEL: He is the fourth man in the fiery furnace
IN HOSEA: He is my love that is forever faithful
IN JOEL: He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit
IN AMOS: He is our burden bearer
IN OBADIAH: He is our savior
IN JONAH: He is the great foreign missionary that takes the word of God into all the world
IN MICAH: He is the messenger with beautiful feet
IN NAHUM: He is the avenger
IN HABAKKUK: He is the watchman that is ever praying for revival
IN ZEPHANIAH: He is the lord mighty to save
IN HAGGAI: He is the restorer of our lost heritage
IN ZECHARIAH: He is our fountain
IN MALACHI: He is the son of righteousness with healing in His wings

  Lets worship Him because He deserves it.